Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday!

Google Docs is pretty cool.  Seems to have enough functionality to to create whatever a group may need; very easy to see the applications for any project.  What immediately jumped to mind for me was my volunteer work; drafting funding applications with the directors (from 3 locations) of my son's daycare.

This program has inspired me to put the technology I already own to more use too.  This week I've started checking out a few podcasts.  Perfect for the bus ride to work and back.  So far I've found a few "Quick and Dirty" ones on nutrition and health that are pretty informative.  And I love the 10-20 minute format.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Google Reader

RSS feeds are definately a "thing" for me.  I love to be informed on a multitude of topics. As the mom of a very active two year old boy, I have very little time to surf, or for much of anything of my choosing really.  And sometimes you just don't want to sit on the compter at home when that's how you spend your days at work.  We recently got a PVR and I am loving not having to remember to record any of my shows and having the flexibility to be weeks behind in actually watching them! 

I'm really enjoying reading everyone's blogs and some of the names are fabulous.  Time to become a little more creative in my ramblings too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Setting up a blog is simple enough.  I don't have a lot of experience with blogs in general.  I've only recently started following a few. 

I am curious about group blogs and how family members might use them to stay in touch.


I signed up for 23 things because I currently use very few of them and I'm curious what may be out there. Ideally I will find something that funnels ideas to me that I will find relevant.

Setting up iGoogle was easy, though it seems most of the gadgets are just time wasters.  I have decided to make it my homepage for awhile in hopes that it's usefulness becomes more apparent.